« Osteothai, the Poetry of Touch »

Here is the book about Osteothai you were waiting for !

Osteothai, an encounter of Thai massage and osteopathy, is a celebration of humanity infused with constant amazement at the splendor of the human body and the beauty of life. Osteothai is also an invitation to set out on a journey.

Do you want to know more and…

  • discover the world of Osteothai (its birth, its development, its interest),
  • think about health or the embryological appearance of the tactile sense,
  • understand the cranio-sacral system or the functioning of fascia,
  • learn everything about the different qualities of touch in Osteothai,
  • discover the principles of treatment dynamics,
  • practice and increase your presence as a practitioner?

So… this book is made for you !

We are osteopaths and passionate about oriental healing arts (Thai massage and shiatsu in particular) and Osteopathy. Through this beautifully illustrated book (184 pages), we wanted to share with simplicity our poetic vision of touch. This book is for everyone. Because we are all poets and potential caregivers as long as we perceive touch as an incredible opportunity of opening and unfolding the heart.

Below you will find the table of contents and some abstracts from the book to give you a more precise idea of ​​what you can discover inside.
So don’t wait, order it for yourself or offer it as a present to your friends passionate about the Art of Touch!

We wish you a good read!
For the well-being of everyone and the health of all.

David & Jörg

David LUTT

David is a French osteopath with a passion for traditional Thai massage. He is the co-creator of Osteothai and the initiator of Dynamic Thai massage. He spent several years in Asia, particularly India and Thailand, training in yoga, shiatsu, traditional Thai massage and Vipasana meditation. He runs his own school, Lulyani, and teaches a number of courses each year in France, Europe, Thailand and Japan. 


Jörg is a Swiss shiatsu practitioner and osteopath with a passion for touch, a powerful and poetic non-verbal language. He is the creator of Shen Shiatsu and the Shen Master Training, which is a synthesis of the Eastern approach to shiatsu and traditional osteopathy. A nomad at Heart, he has travelled throughout Europe, Asia and North America, training and learning in different manual therapeutic and martial art forms. Through his school, Shen Touch Academy, he teaches numerous courses each year in Switzerland, Europe and Thailand.


Publication of the book : November 2024

If you want to order more than one book, please send an email to david@osteothai.com

Book : 50€ // Shipping costs : Europe-UK-Switzerland : 7€ / France & Rest of the world : 10€